Kids and Kitchens: A Healthy Mix
It’s that time of year when farmers markets are in full swing, offering up a full complement of healthy, locally grown foods. Are you getting your recommended daily allowance of nutrients? What about your kids?
Instilling good eating habits in our children is easier said than done, as evidenced by the number of overweight children in America today. According to the American Obesity Association, 35 percent of children ages 6-11 are overweight and 18 percent are actually obese.
Many people assume that because I am a devoted foodie and accomplished cook, my children are accomplished eaters. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Needless to say, they tolerate my “healthy ways” and if left to their own devises, my children will eat macaroni-and-cheese from a box.
However, I have not given up hope and neither should you. Here are some helpful hints on how to achieve gastronomic harmony in your house while improving your child’s eating habits: