Designer Committed to Sustainability

Bainbridge Island, WA — Like many who come to the industry from other career paths, Molly McCabe, AKBD, CGP, CAPS, CLIPP, made the switch from an established career in order to more closely suit her life and values. With a master’s degree in finance and a career as an equity analyst, McCabe found that “it was really interesting work, but it didn’t match my parenting style because of the travel required. And it was also kind of lonely – you would meet with a client and then you’d meet with them eight weeks, 10 weeks later and that was it. There was very little social interaction, and I was like, I think I want to be with people.”

McCabe found that other parents at her children’s school frequently asked her advice on pantry organization and kitchen equipment, so she donated consultation services on these subjects to a school fundraiser. “The first person who bought [the service] at the auction was watching me organize their kitchen, and he said, ‘Would you redesign my kitchen for me?’”